
This does not apply to business customers.

This does not apply to business customers.John Rees has spent the best part of 23 years working in the Computer Industry. Again not all customers feel about them as you might and they are not perceived as being professional. As you start the meeting with the customerNIKE FREE RUN, then turn it off. There is likely to be a time limit to the meeting and it is your professional responsibility to know what the time is. The best way we have heard this described is that you should notTn Net Nike Pas Cher Femme look as though you would frighten your grandparents If you have a watch wear it, if you do not have a watch then buy one. You should dress and smell as the customer would expect you to. If you need to make a phone call during the meeting (perhaps on behalf of the customer, or to get information on a point raised in the meeting) then ask permission before turning the phone on and making the call. Do not wear any badges, tie-pins or jewellery that is making a statement, whether political, religious or otherwise. However, we have found that not everyone is aware of how they may appear to a customer.When you are about to meet with a customer then switch your phone to silent. Everyone will expect you to smell clean and not overly doused with perfume or aftershave. Any tattoos or piercing should be covered up. The fact that you have switched your phone to silent means that when making this outgoing call you will not be ambushed by an incoming call. If you do this visibly then the customer can see that you have switched it off. With regards to grooming, hair should be clean and reasonably well presented. He has provided consultancy for many companies throughout the world. These are the seven simple rules that I ensure all our professional consultants stick to when having a meeting with a customer. If you are visiting the home of a Domestic Customer it is only courteous to take your shoes off at their front door so make sure that your socks do not have holes in them. Business customers will generally expect you to dress professional, probably wearing a suit and carry some kind of briefcase or bag. On the subject of shaving (probably men only this one) nobody objects to beards or moustaches providing they are kept neat and nobody seems to mind the designer stubble look. Again not all customers feel about them as you might. To be fair, these are pretty much common sense for most people and you may find that these are things you already do. Domestic customers will not expect you to wear a suit but will expect you to be reasonably smartly Tn 3 Nike Pas Cher dressed. It looks professional and shows the customer they are important to you. If you get any calls they will be picked up by your voice mail and you can deal with them after the meeting. Somewhere along the way he got tired of working long hours to enrich a succession of employers and set up his own successful consultancy business.To learn how use your computer knowledge to run your own computer business then visit his website on http://www.yourcomputerbusiness.com/ Sign up for a free free newsletter to receive more tips similar to this..

