What's the point? Roll with the punches. Put your energy into finding solutions, not into the
fear of what might happen in the future.When speaking, SLOW IT DOWN.They'll tell you this
on presentation technique courses, but it's also true of normal everyday social situations. Instead of
simply worrying about something, understand why it is making you worry and then work out
how to solve it. Sure, some people have to work harder at this than others,
but we can all learn how to become more relaxed and confident in these situations.Here
are some pointers for you to develop the body language of an alpha male:Don't let
yourself get worried. The beta male's head would dart around quickly, frantically trying to location
the person who called. Breathing. I don't mean modeling in the requin tn sense of strutting down
a catwalk but rather NLP modeling. When you breathe, imagine you are bringing the air
down to your stomach, feeling your stomach rise and fall as you breathe.Avoid fidgeting. Too
many people spend time worrying about things which are outside of their control. To become
the alpha male we can use modeling to teach ourselves the characteristics of people we
would like to emulate. If you rush your speech you will sound like you are
panicking, which in turn makes the listener feel uncomfortable. That is, watching and breaking down
the desirable characteristics and traits of an alpha male and then teaching ourselves to exhibit
the very same ones.Consider your typical beta male; they constantly gaze down at their shoes,
do not speak coherently, cross their arms nike shox nz and do not maintain eye contact.Now think about
your alpha male heroes; George Clooney, Brad Pitt, maybe even Donald Trump or Steve Jobs.
These are all no-no's; shifting from one foot to the other, gazing around the room,
playing with keys/coins in your pockets, frowning. Their eyes do not dart around the room
in a manic fashion.If somebody calls for your attention, move your head slowly.This is not
that well known, but if someone shouts to get your attention, you can respond in
one of two ways. Breath through your abdomen instead of your chest. These are all
successful people in their own ways, and either have women swarming all over them or,
when they speak, people hang on their every word.So, what's the key difference? The number
one secret between the leaders and the shoe-gazers?There's no rocket science involved - the key
to all this is relaxation and being in control in social situations. Don't immediately think
that it's some natural gift that people are only born with either. Basically any mannerism
which makes you look awkward and uncomfortable.Relax your eyes.Okay, so I don't mean fall asleep!
You'll notice though that alpha males look straight ahead and give attention to things which
interest them. On the other hand, the alpha male will turn his head slowly. Remember,
he's in control. This is an alpha male trait you need to learn and become
proficient with if you are to succeed. This also helps with the point above. People
are on his time.Get your FREE Alpha Male Toolkit HERE [http://www.alphamaletoolkit.com]Get ahead of the pack....
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